Mena Ruggiero

Mena Ruggiero

Licensing: 2020009175

Mena Ruggiero, a seasoned real estate professional hailing from Akron, Ohio, brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the industry. With four years in real estate and a lifetime devoted to sales, Mena's passion lies in helping clients navigate the intricate world of property transactions.

For Mena, the allure of real estate transcends the mere transactions; it's about embracing the dynamic market, orchestrating property transformations, and crafting successful deals that fulfill her clients' aspirations. Her dedication to continuous learning and her adept negotiation skills underscore her commitment to delivering exceptional service.

As an agent, Mena finds fulfillment in guiding individuals through one of their most significant financial decisions—the purchase or sale of a home. Her innate ability to connect with people, coupled with her prowess in negotiation, positions her as a trusted ally in every real estate endeavor.

Mena's professional journey began in the food industry, where she honed her skills in sales and customer service, managing the delicate process of handling fresh produce for major restaurant chains. This background instilled in her a meticulous attention to detail and a steadfast commitment to seeing every transaction through from beginning to end.

Driven by her lifelong fascination with properties and a desire to make a meaningful difference in people's lives, Mena transitioned into real estate. She finds joy in exploring unique property features and envisioning their untapped potential. Beyond her professional pursuits, Mena cherishes her free time, spending it actively outdoors, indulging in culinary delights, and showering affection on her beloved fur companion, Basil.

With a blend of expertise, dedication, and a genuine love for what she does, Mena Ruggiero is poised to make every real estate journey an enjoyable and rewarding experience for her clients.

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